THE SCHOOL: J.B. School of Nursing established in the year of 2014.
It’s a Pioneer Institute on Nursing Education in the entire North Eastern Region. It’s a dream come true to educate the female in Health Care Sector and make them confident that Females are not behind the Male. They can Stepped forward together in every aspect.
- J.B.School of Nursing is Recognized by Assam Nursing Council (ANC) and Indian Nursing Council (INC), New Delhi and Approved by Health and Family Welfare Deptt. Govt. of Assam.
LOCATION: (CAMPUS) :J.B.Schol of Nursing is located at Suncity Lane, (Baghorbori to Satgaon link Road), Ambari, Satgaon, Guwahati-781171, Assam.
- To build up a Strong Health Care Infrastructure system through a high standard of Nursing Education.
- To produce and develop Nursing profession with a great responsibility and leadership in the implementation of various Health Sector’s in accordance with the modern Technology and advance information system.
- To motivate and develop the Students sense of responsibility to serve society in the field of Health Care by developing skills in regards to Nursing …..
- To achieve the goal of success and aspiration of qualified female with undergoing Nursing Training.
- To develop expanded service of Nursing in Remote ,Slam and Rural Areas.
- Nursing is a integral part of Health Care Sector, So to train up them with a quality education is also a important part of education that’s We do.
- ANM/ GNM Course is mainly based on Rural Community.
- To recognized the need for continuing Nursing education for professional skill and development.
- To impart up-to date, standard and quality education training in Nursing Science.
- To be a part of Research Activities